
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A Pretty Birthday Girl is 1300 Years Old

One of the greatest birthdays this year in Denmark happens when the city Ribe celebrates her 1300 years birthday. The earliest traces of Ribe are dated to 710, and it is the oldest town in Denmark. The official opening is Friday 8. January - and the birthday is celebrated with lots of arrangements all year.

Riberhus castle bank and the cathedral.

Ribe has got many fine museums. Especially two Viking museums are a great experience. The museum: Ribes Vikinger has many thousand findings from new archaological excavations. The museum has also a multimedium. At Ribe Vikingecenter 2 km south of the town is reconstructed special plans from the Viking period, among others a market place from ab. year 720. At Ribe Kunstmuseum is an exquisite collection of pictures from Ribe during the centuries, and Danish art from the middle of the 1700s and two centuries ahead, names like Eckersberg, Købke, Rørbye, Marstrand, Anna Ancher, Hammershøi, Krøyer, L.A.Ring, Zahrtmann, the Funen painters and classic modernists.

photo Ribe 2003: grethe bachmann

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