
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Heatherhill and Rågeleje, North Zealand

A view across the sea

Heatherhill is a listed area with hills and valleys grown with heather, juniper and a fine flora - and sheep are grazing freely in the hills. The British tea-merchant Joseph Vincent gave the place its name Heatherhill and built around 1900 a manor in English style in the hills, which however was broken down in the 1950s. But the flowering hills are still here. All summer is Pasque Flower and Bloody Crane's-bill seen here among juniper and broom shrub. Butterflies like Glanville Fritillary and Burnets are seen in the area.Heatherhill is about 19 km northwest of Hillerød at the coast south of Rågeleje. Here is a parking place and information at the kiosk. The place is a few minutes walk from a lovely white bathing beach, which invites for coast fishing with good catch-possibilities. The characteristic hills and valleys are good for hiking and the hills are suitable for hang gliding.

Sheep are grazing freely

There are many fine viewpoints with benches

Parasol Mushroom Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) grows often in dunes and in beach meadows. The parasol mushroom may be eaten raw. It is popular soaked in butter. Only the cap of fresh specimens is considered edibel.
is a few poisonous species which can be mistaken for M. procera:
Chlorophyllum molybdites, a species that causes the largest number of annual mushroom poisonings in North America due to its close similarity. Faintly green gills and a pale green spore print give it away. Furthermore this mushroom lacks the aforementioned snakeskin pattern that is generally present on the parasol mushroom. Its range is reportedly expanding into Europe.
Leucocopronus brunnea, also found in North America, slowly turns brown when sliced.
White and immature species of Amanita are also a potential hazard. To be sure, one must only pick parasol mushrooms past their button stage. A general rule of thumb with the parasol mushroom as compared to amanita species is that the parasol mushroom has darker flakes on a lighter surface, whereas amanita species have the opposite, lighter flakes (if there are any) on a darker surface, such as the Panther cap.
The Saffron Parasol Cystoderma amianthinum is very much smaller, and not often eaten. 5)Lepiota brunneoincarnata is a lepiota species known to have caused mortal intoxications in Spain.

Rågeleje seen from Heatherhill

Along the coast from Rågeleje to Heatherhill are holiday houses in the hills

is one of the wellknown seaside resorts along the northern coast of Zealand, but the inhabitants in Rågeleje were until ab. year 1900 fishermen. The charming fishing town is now a popular holiday resort in a scenic countryside with the beautiful listed area Heatherhill nearby. Rågeleje is probably identical to a disappeared town Roka, which was mentioned in the medieval Esrum Klosterbook. In the 1500s it was the largest fishing town along the coast of North Zealand, but caused by sand drift and the decline of the herring fishing the town was desolate in the 1600s - but in the beginning of the 1700s it was established again. It is today one of the most popular holiday resorts at the coast of Zealand with attractive white beaches and listed nature areas, which are open to the public. The long beach with the white sand has fine conditions for wind- and kite-surfers. The beach has blue flag and in the summer season a life guard.

photo Heatherhills & Rågeleje 2008: grethe bachmann


  1. Story book settings...even the sheep are beautiful. I really liked the simple bench in front of the wonderful tree. The mushrooms in the grass makes a lovely photo!

  2. Hej Wanda! Thanks! We had our coffee and a "Danish" on this bench with a fine view over the hills.

    Your walk and your pictures on your blog today with all the birds and flowers are just wonderful. Our flowers here have been slow arrivers this year. I hope for some warmer weather in the week-end. At least the beech forest is beautifully light-green.

  3. Hi Thyra,
    Some of my descendants came from Denmark. It will be fun for me to see all the beautiful photos you've posted. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I like the photo with the lady on the bench and her dog! :-)

  4. Hej Eve! Thanks for visiting my Denmark-blog!
    Hope you'll like my photos from Denmark. I'll visit your blog to see what you've got! I loved your Swallowtail. Butterflies are such beautiful creatures.
    Thyra `)


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