
Monday, January 12, 2009

Iron Age Fashion/ Hairstyle/ Frisurer i Jernalderen

Silkeborg Museum, Jutland

Some hair styles from a comprehensive Iron Age exhibition in Silkeborg Museum, Jutland. Many findings from the Iron Age makes it possible to imagine how people looked and how they were dressed in that period.

The exhibition is constructed around artefacts and replicas, fx textiles and clothing. In a heath, Lønne Hede by Varde was in an Iron Age burial found a young girl who wore a pretty dress in blue and red colours. The blue colours came from the plant vajd (Isatis tinctora)and bands and edges were in fine red-blue patterns. The blouse on this reconstructed model is kept together with jewelry pins which were found upon a burial place in Vinding ab. 20 km south of Silkeborg. The dress to the right is a reconstruction of a dress worn by a woman who was found in a moor, Huldremosen at Djursland . Her clothes were a cape of sheep skin and a woolen skirt woven in a fine check pattern.

Link: Silkeborg Museum

photo Silkeborg Museum 10/1-2009: grethe bachmann, Silkeborg Museum, Mid Jutland


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