
Sunday, March 07, 2010

Skovmøllen, Moesgård Forest, Århus in Winter

The Restaurant

Skovmøllen is a small, cosy restaurant in Moesgård Forest. The old water mill ,which today is both a restaurant and a working mill, is about ten minutes walk from Moesgård Museum and about 15 minutes walk to the beach.

It is a very popular resort both summer and winter. Also in the 1800s was Skovmøllen a popular recreational area. Families rented a waggon with a coachman - and the tour in a horse-drawn carriage was one of the highlights of the year.

Skovmøllen (as a mill) has always belonged to the manor Moesgård. The mill and the manor were mentioned together for the first time in 1570. The house as seen today was built in 1824.

Sweeping snow at the mill-house before the visitors arrive.

During the 1840s the buildings at Skovmøllen were the mill-house, the living-house, the accommodation-house , a barn- and stable-building and a pig-stable. The farm-property was abandoned and the farm-land transferred to Moesgård manor. The mill was dilapidated and Moesgård let therefore the mill-house rebuild and restore in 1852. A"food and drink" was established. In 1910 the mill-work was discontinued and Skovmøllen then functioned as a restaurant.The mill house and the mill work itself were fortunately preserved, and in 1991 Moesgård let it restore. Now the mill works again - as a rule each Sunday - from 12-17.

The south wing with Pejsestuen

In the winter 2007/2008 the old inn-room was restored, and at this occassion were made some changes. The inn-room was divided into 3 smaller rooms and the kitchen was renovated.

In summer are various arrangements like: Jazz Festival, Summer-Jazz-concerts, Midsummernight- celebration, Art exhibitions in the Pejsestuen (the south wing) etc.

Restaurant Skovmøllen: Restaurateurs Lars Munch and Marcelle Meier, contact tlf. 8627 1214.

Via an article about Skovmøllen in my old blog I came into contact with an American lady, Kittie Howard, who had visited Skovmøllen last year with her husband and friends from Århus, and she mentioned Skovmøllen in one of her beautiful and amazing stories.

I can warmly recommend Kittie Howard's: The Block. She is a great writer and story-teller. Her stories are really worth reading.

Much water in the Giberå at Skovmøllen, that's good for the salmon.

photo Skovmøllen 27. February 2010: grethe bachmann


  1. Grethe, your blog is beautiful. Love the look! And, as always, I love how you write about Denmark, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. My husband and I truly enjoyed our visit (and luncheon) at Skovmollen. Your photos brought back many warm memories. Thank you! And I thank you for the warm and generous words you said about my blog. You are a very, very kind lady.

  2. Hej Kittie! Thank you for your kind words about Denmark.I hope I can live up to it in the future in this blog. See mail. Ciao.

  3. Grethe, please drop by my blog and pick up your award! I'm so happy to share!

  4. Hej Kittie! What award? I'll send mail.


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