
Sunday, October 17, 2010

In the Lake District in October

Mossø in October. It is a large lake in the lake district in the middle of Jutland and a part of the system of the river Gudenå. It is about 10 km long and about 2 km broad. The lake is surrounded by forests, meadows and farm land. In some places are large weed woods and bog areas along the banks of the lake. Mossø is listed in order to maintain its present condition and to secure access for the public. There's a rich flora and fauna. (+ English text)

The farmers are busy.

I cannot resist the Highlanders. They were too far away, no matter!

A grave hill. I wonder who has been resting here for more than thousand years.

Klostermølle. Here is a tree with a passage for a creeping through. Wanda, have you found one where you live? I hope you're not stuck! The channel behind the tree was digged by monks in the Middle Ages. There was a kloster nearby, (Voer Kloster), established by Benedictiner monks, (year 1050-1100) and they probably decided to establish the 1.300 m long dam at the foot of a high hill named Sukkertoppen (The Sugar Top!), forcing the waters of the river Gudenå into a channel and a fall, where the monks could use the water power in a mill.

Klostermølle. The field was last year overgrown with bushes and small trees. They have now been removed as part of a project and a listing of a large area. This winter it gives more space for the geese, when they arrive and go grazing in the winter period.

Klostermølle. A small jungle by the channel, but no real jungle. There are no dangerous animals. I always look for the kingfisher and often see it by the channel, but it flies so fast that I haven't been able to "catch" it - yet! But it is such a joy to watch that little metallic blue bird, when it is racing above the surface of the water, giving its characteristic short call.

One of our destinations was Kongsø Hede (heath). The Nøddekrige had been seen her. The spotted nutcracker, Latin Nucifraga caryocatactes. It is a rare Danish breeding bird, but a frequent migrating and winter guest. In some years are actual invasions. Near Kongsø Hede is a fine area with hazel and nuts for this bird.

Kongsø Hede is situated by a hiking route along Hærvejen. Two lakes, Kalgård Sø and Kongsø lie close to the heath, where nature is taken care of in order to prevent overgrowth and to keep the heather young. Upon the heath is a small dammed lake with a castle bank, named "Hansborg".

There are marked paths and information boards in the whole hiking area.

Kongsø Hede. Old age does not look bad on a tree.

Cosy Cattle.

I like our old churches.

A gorgeous tree at the church yard. It must be one of the chestnuts.

There is a resting place here at Torup lake at the top of a slope , good for a coffee break. The lake was silent and the water was a mirror, usually with many swans, but no swans were visible now. They have probably gone to another and better place before winter. Birds have a special talent, they know when and where to go. Some withered ferns blocked the view, so I went to the edge of the slope to take a photo of the mirrored lake. I disturbed a flock of ducks. They made an awful noise flying up and fleeing from this awful disturber. Sorry, dear ducks. They flew across water and circled in front of the forest, before they landed in the far corner of the lake, where they found peace and quiet.

across the water.......

in front of the forest.....

cattle is so reassuring to my restless mind. They just lie there, those cud-chewing animals, worried about nothing, just being in the Now!

The last stop that day was my favourite little lake, Brudesø. (The Bride's Lake). It was of the most amazing blue that day, and the background was deep purple. It was so pretty we could hardly go on, but it was very cold - and as usual I should have put on warmer clothes. I'm always in the same little problem each year in the transition from autumn to winter. I'll never learn! Last week the air was mild , but now I can really feel king Winter is lurking around the corner, waiting to freeze our nose off. So we had to leave my dear lake and go home to have some hot cocoa! See you next time.

photo Mid Jutland 16. October 2010: grethe bachmann


  1. A really lovely post. Thankyou for sharing Denmark with us.

  2. Another wonderful day out with you, each photo is lovely. I too love old churches but NZ has such a young European history that our oldest would were built in the 1800's! I am fascinated that you can write of a monastery that dates back to 1050.
    I love it that land was cleared so the geese can graze and I also love it that old age doesn't look bad on a tree! Such lovely peaceful rural and lake photos. I enjoyed your walk, thank you.

  3. They just lie there, those cud-chewing animals, worried about nothing, just being in the Now!

    We've got to be Soul Sisters, Grethe. I thought I was the only one who thought as you do about cows. There's just something about cows that stills the mind.

    Your photos are magnificent. I especially loved the churchyard photo, the vibrant chestnut colors. And I love your churches, too. They're soooo peaceful.

    And the highlander cows, ahhh, such majesty!

    Loved our walk. Thank you! (It's nice to get out of the house after being stuck with this computer mess, now all cleared up and healthy!)

  4. Thank you Grethe for such a lovely walk in your beautiful countryside, that I must say, is more like New Zealnd than it is different phyically, but you old.
    New Zealand is young. The Maori people have been here a thousand years or so but lived ever so lightly on the land. I thought of WH Davies poem 'What is this life so full of care we have no time to stand and stare.. no time to stand beneath the boughs, and stare as long as sheep or cows.

  5. You have a beautiful country. I love the history and the pastoral scenes are so calming. The captions on your photos add the perfect little thoughts to really get a sense of the place. I love the grave hill, "I wonder who has been resting here for more than a thousand years," and, "cozy cattle." Thank you for taking us along on your walk.

  6. Gerry, thank you so much, I love to share Denmark.I'll continue until I pop my clogs. You live in a wonderful place too.

    Marilyn, the old churches are some of my favorites, not from religious reasons, but because they hold so much of our ancient history. and it's so rewarding to know that you and many others like to join my little walk.

    Hello Kittie! It's so good to have you back here. I have really missed you. We all have.
    You also love those wonderful cows. When we're out driving I say "Stop the car,I want to get off. There are some Highlanders!" If we're on the highway we cannot stop. Then it's just bad luck! See you!

    Joan, one of my friends were in New Zealand for a month or so, and he said that the landscapes were like in Denmark in many places, except your beautiful mountains of course. I think they filmed "The Ring" in New Zealand.
    I like the poem. It just says how we are. We have no time....! But we'll have to take time to stand beneath the boughs - or else we might go down with stress!
    You say that the Maoris took care of the land. It must be like the Native Americans took care of the land and the nature. There exists a fantastic speech about the fragile nature by a Native Indian chief. I once kept a clipping from a newspaper.

    Thank you so much, Teresa. I'm always so happy when you like my scenes from Denmark.
    When I see a grave hill I feel like I want to examine it. Most of the grave hills have never been examined by the archaeologs. I'm fascinated by what they have found already.


  7. I loved all your photos of the area, Grethe. Trees are so special to me, your "Old age does not look bad on a tree" is so true! I will remember that in my old age. The photo of the Chestnut tree and cows were special. I try my best to focus on the "Here & Now."

    I haven't been to the tree, which I discovered this past the summer time there is such thick understory growth, one must go through, and now it is hunting season(with bow), but soon I will return to that area and pass through that tree. I'm hoping I won't get stuck!

  8. Hello Wanda! I really thought when I saw that passage-tree, "I'll show this to Wanda"!

    Hunting with bow, that's serious. They might think you are a deer behind the trees. Keep away. This week-end we saw lots of hunters with rifles near the forests, so we kept away from them. It's hunting season everywhere! They shall not have me as a trophy!

    Yes that old age tree is so venerable! I think I'll attempt to be venerable!
    Have a nice day over there!
    Grethe ´)


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