
Thursday, September 08, 2011

But the Days grow short when you reach September.........

A Taste of Denmark
September is my month. I was born in September. I love the bright colours and the fresh cool air in September. It is also a month, where the signs of decay are gradually growing more visible. And it is a month where you might have a beautiful Indian summer which reaches all the way into the month of October if you're lucky.

The first sight of the park was rather lightgreen, almost spring like. It was like May! It must be the rain and the mist which soften the colours. Here is a white Hortensia. I had one like this in my garden once, but there are many Hortensias in the parks and the gardens now, mostly the blue and the pink with giant round heads. Very decorative, but I'm not sure they are the best flowers for insects! Sorry!  They are very lovely, but although they want much water ,they cannot endure all the heavy rain, which has been pouring down lately. It is the second-wettest summer since the weather-folks began counting the rain-millimeters.

The park is not a place to find and pluck berries; there are some blackberries close to the forest and rowanberries in the park. The black berries are not ripe yet, and there are better places to pluck them if I want to make some jelly. I decide each year to gather berries, but time flies and I fly across both blackberry and elderberry and rowanberry and suddenly it's too late. Next year I'll have to pull myself together.  (I have said that for some years now!) I once made a fine rowanjelly with brandy. It was so popular among my friends that it disappeared like hot cakes! And hip is so healthy, now claimed to be one of the most healthy berries of all. So I bought some hip-jelly in the super market!

It was Sunday and the park is a stamping ground for families. Here is an excellent play-ground for children and some new training-apparatus along the upper hedge for their parents and other adults, who might want to improve their fitness! (apparatus!! I really don't know if the word is right here, the Oxford dict tells me so. Do you have another word. Training-tools ? Equipment? )  When it's high-summer the big lawn is swarming with people in week-ends, and a new custom has been introduced. The new-Danes bring grills, and there is a scent of grill-food all over! It's cosy and I think it might be a common habit. There are also big arrangements with tents and lots of people and cars, and the lawns are completely destroyed and muddy and have to be repaired afterwards. This I don't like!!! He-Hem!  There is a place by the beach where they have prepared the grass for circus and markets. They might use that instead of spoiling the pretty park! Okay, I'll stop quarrelling now.

A bright red color along the edge of the forest belongs to the Red Elderberry. It's not edible like the common Elderberry with the black berries. The red berries are tempting for children, but they are poisonous. Many parts of this plant are poisonous and have been used as a traditional emetic. The fruits are reportedly safe to eat when cooked. The bush achieves very fine autumn-colours, and the berries stay on the bush long after defoliation. The flowers are fragrant and visited by hummingbirds and butterflies.This shrub is very important in providing food for several birds, who distribute the seeds. 

Another red colour among the green. This is also a plant with poisonous red berries, the wild Arum, in Denmark called Dansk ingefær (Danish ginger).  The English names are many like Adam and Eve, Cows and Bulls, Devils and Angels, Lords and Ladies, Wake Robin. Almost all parts of the plant are poisonous, but especially the pretty red berries are the cause of poisoning among children. The root was used in folk medicine.

please click to enlarge some of the photos

I went to the herbaceous border in the section called the Rømerhaven. It was so beautiful last year, the flowers were like a symphony of colours, and there were lots of pretty butterflies, but I was too late this year - and you can easily see the decay.  There are still some beautiful flowers, but they have begun to wither and the bees were gone. Only one White butterfly visited the flowers. Summer has ended. There were some fine paradise apples though. Also fine for jelly! And the last rose of summer. Well , a beautiful white rose in the corner by the trellis. Not the last. There are still roses in October! Always something to look forward to....

Close to the park along the beach way are some lovely villas. I like this one. Looks cosy. Another one on top of the hill. The queen's summer house. Too big!! Many paths were filled with small ravines from the rain. You had to tread carefully not to break the ankle! I passed the ice house without buying an ice cream! What a strong character! I knew I had an ice cream back home in my freezer!  I hadn't visited the park for a long time, and this tour was a little sad. I feel it's too early to prepare the mind for winter, isn't it?     ...

The last place to visit as usual - when I walk up the tough hill - are the Races.
hello, come on....
And this hill is one of the toughest I know for bikers and walkers, although it doesn't look like it. The rise kills me every time. But in the middle of the hill are the Races and the horses, and I'll have to go and say hello to those beautiful creatures.
A sceptic eye
One of the horses was running to and fro. Very temperamented. A nervous thorughbred!

It seemed to be waiting.for someone, and a few minutes later came a guy and took the horse with him. The horse must have known that someone was on his way.

Stayed a little by the other horses, but it was beginning to rain, and I had to go home. My flat is only five minutes away from there....

Soon there will be a great display of autumn colours in the park -and I'll forget all about dark winter feelings!  

See you soon!  

Photo September in the Park 2011: grethe bachmann



  1. A great collection of interesting photos! thanks for sharing! Tusind tak!!

  2. I have to agree, they should set aside a place for picnickers and grilling, so the grass in the majority of the park can remain green and healthy.

    Apparatus or equipment, either will work :)

    I'm not quite prepared for a winter mindset, I look forward to fall too much and am hoping for a long Indian summer.

    Hip jelly is that rose hips?

  3. Hej Michael og Hanne! Velbekomme! What a sweet comment from you two mixed couple!!

    Grethe `)

  4. Yes, Teresa,and you know what? There was a tractor on the lawn for some arrangement! I was "appalled"!! The soft lawns and the beautiful trees are so pretty together.

    Thank you , I'm always lost for words!

    Oh yes its' rose hips! I wasn't aware there were other hips! Human hips! It's not jelly from the hips but from the hips!! He-hem the rose hips..............It's a gooood jelly!
    Very healthy. I feel better already. It's two in the night and I'm still awake!

    Grethe `)

  5. The Danish Ginger must be the same as our Jack-in-the-pulpit. The photos are lovely, Grethe. I was tempted earlier, but resisted...but now your post has influenced me...I'm off to get a nut covered icecream cone from the freezer. :)

  6. Hello Wanda! It really has a lot of names, that plant! I love the ice cream with nuts. I guess you like the almond covered too!!
    Have a nice week-end! The sun is shining this morning!
    Grethe ´)

  7. I loved seeing your gorgeous September photos. As your world is filled with berries and the last of the summer flowers ours is filled with leaf buds and spring blooms.

    What a beautiful season you have to celebrate your birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day.

  8. Hej Marilyn! And now we've got this fantastic communication, where we can get in contact in a second . There's spring by you and autumn here by me. I don't know if you once had pen-friends, but I had one in India, and it took a long time to get in contact, although it was air-mail!
    Thank you, I had a wonderful birthday. I was at the island Funen, and the afternoon was like a hot summer's day. It was such a luck!
    Have a nice Sunday!
    Grethe `)


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