
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vrads Sande - Heath, Inland Dunes and a Veteran Railway.

A pretty vintage car in Vrads Sande
Vrads Sande, is a protected  heath and dune area northwest of the village Vrads in the eastern part of Store Hjøllund plantage 15 km southwest of the town Silkeborg. The area was listed in 1968,. It was never cultivated. It forms a pot-shaped hollow in the terrain, which falls in steep slopes from 120-110 m above sea down to a small heath-lake ab. 85 above sea level.

Vrads Sande - Sun and Rain .

Besides this hollow lie spread overgrowth inland-dunes and rests of meltwater-terasses. East of the road Vrads-Hjøllund are widespread heather, blueberry, lingonberry and juniper-vegetation, while a grazed grass-heath covers the area to the west.

 On the southside of some of the dunes are socalled lichen heath (low heath) dominated by plants which can endure drought ( lichener)

Vrads Sande has borders to the east to another and larger 300 ha protected area, Snabegaard with Salten Å- river. The Snabegaard-area with grazing, heath and forest hills was listed in 1976. The nature path Horsens-Ssilkeborg passes through this area.

Vrads Sande - golden autumn.

The open vintage car drives back before the rain and thunder comes!What a lovely car!

Veteran trail Bryrup-Vrads
 - is driven by a group of enthusiasts  they try to keep the old material, buildings and facility and to maintain a veteran trail operation on the stretch Bryrup-Vrads.

The railway drives on a 6 km stretch of the closed Horsens-Bryrup-Silkeborg railway, which was closed in 1968. The trip goes from Bryrup through a forest area and passes the lakes Kvindsø, Kulsø and Snabe Igelsø till Vrads Station. It is a very pretty tour which is called "Danmarks smukkeste jernbane". Vrads station is a restaurant and café and it is open, when the veteran trail drives its ordinary schedule.

Christmas tree-train.
In the first week-end of December a Christmas tree-train drives from Bryrup with a stop by a Christmas tree-place, where the passengers can buy their Christmas tree, the train drives on to Vrads station,  where the passengers get glögg, applecakes and Christmas goodies. Afterwards the train drives back to Bryrup station. It is a very popular tour. As far as possible the tour is carried through with a steam locomotive. 

photo Vrads Sande September 2015: grethe bachmann  
photo Vrads Station 2008: grethe bachmann 

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