Christ's Month/KristmånedSuperstitions and Omens
we are soon in the tvelwth and last month of the year, but in ancient
times while the Julian calendar ruled it was the tenth month of the
year. Decem means ten in Latin. The medieval Danish name was Kristmåned (Christ's Month), the month where you celebrate the birth of Christ.
Ploughed field, Fulden.
farmer had to finish his ploughing in the first days of December. After
this he brought liquid manure to the winter rye and fetched thorn and
staves for building and repairing the fences. If the meadows and the
moors were frozen, he cut willow twigs for his furlong fences -and if he
had no longstraw for his roof repair, he fetched reed in the frozen
meadows and marshes.
He also had to repair the watermills and the
sluices. Indoor the farmer family was concentrated around the Christmas
preparations, but the whole family helped each other to repair tools and
make twine and ropes. There was no time for laziness in the farmer's
Weather omens were serious matters then, not
just something to make fun about. If an omen said that a cold and snowy
December promised a fertile year and a good summer, then the farmer
wanted cold and snow. A mild month with rain and fog made him worried.
But else the weather omens were few in December, although three unlucky
days kept people inside the house - the 6th, 11th and 18th of December.
The 6th of December was Sct. Nicolai's Day, and if the weather was good
it would be good the rest of the month. If the 8th of December (Sct.
Anna's Day) came with thaw the whole winter would be mild.
night between 12th and 13th December (Sct. Lucia) was a dangerous
night. Before people went inside in the evening the whole year's work
had to be finished and all crops be under cover, or else they would be
destroyed by de underjordiske/the
underground people (trolls, pixies etc.) It was an exciting night for
the young girls on the farm. It was possible for the girl to see her
future fiancé, if she held a lit candle in each hand and looked into a
mirror while she spoke a verse:
Luci du blide
skal lade mig vide:
hvis dug jeg skal brede,
hvis seng jeg skal rede,
hvis kærest' jeg skal være,
hvis barn jeg skal bære,
i hvis arm jeg skal sove.
Luci you gentle one,
let me know,
whose table cloth I shall spread,
whose bed I shall make,
whose sweetheart I shall be,
whose child I shall bear,
in whose arm I shall sleep.
night before Christmas the stables were cleaned extra thoroughly and
the livestock had plenty of clean bedding and extra fodder. The
superstition said that the animals found their tongue on Christmas Eve, and if everything wasn't quite allright then they would speak evil about their master and his house.
family also had to consider "the underground people", and it was
necessary to do a lot of preparations in order to prevent their
destructive power. The farmer had to put steel above the stable door,
and the teeth of the cattle had to be rubbed in salt and soot, (poor
cattle!) to prevent the underground people from harming the animals.
Plough, harrow and other tools had to be indoor, when Jerusalems shoemaker - the Wandering Jew
- was out walking that night. If he rested upon a forgotten implement,
then nothing was able to grow in that field the following year.
things made of iron had a great power, and besides the steel above the
stable door the farmer had to put a solid scythe into the corn pile, an
axe into the dunghill and a big knife into the eaves.
Overall were dangerous creatures at work, numerous tales were told about helhesten(a ghost horse with three legs), trolls, witches, evil minded pixies, vætter
(elves) and other dangerous underground people, who were the cause of
misfortune to people who did not take precautions against them.
farmer's wife and the farm girls had to see to that all clothes had
been washed and dried before Christmas Eve - all clothes had to be
indoor. The saying was: Den der klæder gærder i julen skal klæde lig inden året er omme. /He who dresses the fence in clothes during Christmas must dress a dead body before the end of the year.
Christmas dinner went on and on - and on. Many believed that he who
first stopped eating would die before the end of the coming year. This must really have been a hard nut to crack. They had to stop eating at the same time!
people put an extra, lit candle in the window. It had to show all
wayfarers where the farm was , but it also had to lead the departed of
the family, when they visited their home this night. Some put an extra
setting on the Christmas table.
Many of our Christmas
dishes come from the pagan solstitial celebrations. The special
tradition where the farmer puts porridge upon the loft for the Christmas
pixy is probably even older than this - probably from bondestenalderen (4000 bc) . In this period porridge was offered to friendly gods who lived by the settlement.
Christmas pork roast is an old tradition too, way back to the pagan
sacrificial celebrations before Christ, when the biggest hog (gilded
orne) was sacrificed to the fertility god Frej, (Frodi) so that he would bring "year and peace" to the farm.
Day was a very important time. The farmer was dependent on the weather
like the farmer has always been and still is. He had to imagine the
weather in the year to come. In the morning the farmer cut twelve
grooves (for the twelve days of Christmas) in a beam in the ceiling, and
around every groove he made a chalk circle. Every day he wrote signs in
a circle - if it was raining he wrote dots, if it was storming he wrote
stripes and so on. He marked every circle with a sign which he himself
knew the meaning of and which he had learned from his father. When
Christmas was over he could easily see how the weather would be in the
next twelve months. Actually a long-term forecast
of that time. Today our long-term forecasts on TV are somewhat more
advanced, but this doesn't mean they are more reliable. When I remember
my umbrella the sun starts to shine and when I forget my umbrella it
rains cats and dogs.
On this first day of Christmas it
was not allowed to walk about in the farm. Fodder for the livestock were
ready for several days. The farmer had to keep away from the
grindstone, his wife had to keep away from the spinning wheel. Sewing
and knitting were also forbidden, both this day and the rest of the
Christmas days. If people crossed this line they were almost sure to get
swellen fingers the next year. On every one of the twelve Christmas
days it was widely forbidden to make practical and useful things, except
when it was necessary to supply the fodder for the livestock and other
necessary things.
omens were taken the night before the festival and the farmer was very
interested in the weather on the last day of the year. If it was raining
on exactly this day (Sylvesterdag) the
harvest would be a difficult one. Furthermore he took a slice of bred
on New Year's Eve, smeared lard on and cut it in four. Those four pieces
were put on the floor. The chained dog was brought into the room and
held back while the farmer pointed at the bread slices one by one and
told the dog: "This is my rye, this is my oat, this is my wheat and this
is my barley". The dog was loosened and the bread slice he eat first
told the farmer which kind of corn would bring the best yield in the
following season. And the next slices the dog eat were also put in order
in the farmer's mind. So if the omen later showed to be wrong it wasn't
his fault. Maybe he thought it was the dog's fault!
young farm girls played fortunetellers. One girl went outside the room,
and the girl who wanted to know about her future took four little
bowls. The first one was placed over a tiny bunch of soil , the other
above a ring, the third above a comb and the fourth above nothing. Then
the girl outside was called upon and she pointed on one of the four
bowls. The soil meant death, the ring meant early betrothal, the comb
was marriage - and the empty bowl meant that nothing would change in the
coming year.
before twelve according to the custom people started making a terrible
noise with pots and pans in order to chase away evil spirits, but at
twelve there was silence for a short moment, and then everyone wished
one another a Happy New Year. We still make some noise but we don't
believe in evil spirits - do we? We still wish each other a Happy New
Year, and I wonder how old that tradition is.
people back then even believed that if they on New year's night at
twelve stood in the middle of a crossroad and called out three times for
a dear departed, then he or she would show and answer three questions.
A new year began, and people way back then were dependent on so many
things and afraid of so many things that it is impossible to imagine for
us today. But if you have ever been out in the country on a completely
dark night then you might catch an ancient feeling of fear. No moon, no
stars, no street lights. You cannot even see your own hand. On a
Christmas holiday by my grandmother, when I was about ten years, I had
to fetch milk for her on a farm nearby on such a dark night. I was
terribly scared and couldn't find my way in some critical moments. And
in the old days, in the Middle Ages and long before, way back in time
people really believed that out in the dark were evil spirits, the ghost
horse, trolls, witches, pixies, elves and many more dangerous
Source: Ruth Gunnarsen: Familiens Højtider i gamle dage.
photo/mostly from Hjerl Hede Open Air Museum, Jutland: grethe bachmann
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