Car Insurance

What People Write.........
I took a glance at my mother-in-law who was sitting in the backseat, and then I drove directly out over the slope.
I actually told the police that I was not injured, but when I later took off my hat, I discovered that I had a brain concussion.
I really believe the accident would have been worse if I had lost my head.
The walker obviously did not know where to go, so I run him down.
Three ladies were talking together, and when they stepped back, there was really nothing to do.
You do not expect to meet another car on the biking path.
It was the opponent's fault. He discovered too late that I was driving in the wrong side of the road.
I saw a stunned elderly gentleman slowly sliding down my hood.
I was so absorbed by the traffic that I did not see the other car.
Please send me 5-6 notifications for later use.
My car had to take a sharper turn than necessary because of an invisible truck.
The accident happened when I waved at the man I hit last week.
A pedestrian hit me and disappeared under the car.
A cow was strolling into my car. I was later told that it was half-witted.
My car hit the walker, but he came up, so I hit him again.
I told that idiot who he was and went on.
I thought that the side window had been rolled down, but it wasn't, which I discovered when I stuck my head out of it.
I drove a car for 40 years, and then I suddenly fell asleep.
Source: Translated from a Danish website.
LOL !!! I needed a good laugh. Thanks so much for providing it!
That's good, Teresa. There is one, where the elderly gentleman is slowly gliding down the hood, I can see it, but he's getting hurt that poor man, and I'm still laughing! It's awful, I'm completely finished now! Have a good day, you and Buddy!
Grethe `)
Funny, I like the one that they didn't think they were hurt until they took off their hat to see a brain concussion.
Hello Steve! Yes, imagine that, that's funny! I thought it was boring to be in an office of insurance, but they must have some laughs there once in a while!
Grethe `)
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