The northern side of Vejle fjord is marked by tall clay-slopes and coastal hardwoods. The area is a
herregårdslandskab (manor landscape) with the castle of Rosenvold and the manor of Barritskov, with large forests and unbroken fields. Large sections of the hardwood-edge along the coast is listed from aesthetic reasons. Close to the coast at the forest of Staksrode are large slide-terasses where the ground has subsided. In the 1950s a scout camp woke up on a rainy night and discovered that the camp with tents, kitchen and campfire was sinking about three meters.
The tall beeches stand as close to the coast as they possibly can The forests along the fjord are called
"Strandskoven på lerfødder". (The beach wood on clay feet). The old tall beeches lie as toppled trunks in a pretty disorder, the result of huge slides in the slope. The trees are toppling down now and then, when the plastic clay of the banks is sliding down into the fjord. The forest is also one of the most important forests of breeding birds of prey in the Vejle district, and several other rare birds are breeding in the forest. The place by Rosenvold is known as a fine migration place. In Staksrode Skov grows the rare
Stor Gøgeurt (Orchis purpurea/Lady Orchid) and other rare orchids.
The Caretaker Project: A caretaker project is surveying and gathering knowledge about the endangered and rare breeding birds in Denmark. In the project are 45 bird species, and the project runs from 2008-2013; each species is connected to a voluntary caretaker group.

Barritskov on the northern side of Vejle fjord is an old farm known from the 1200s. Today it is known for
Årstidernes Pakkeri (Seasons' Packing), which distributes vegetables, fruit and meat, packed in wooden boxes at Barritskov. In the old main building the firm works on communication, IT , economy and planning for the three farms connected to the Seasons and for the forests around Barritskov. The idea of the firm is to recreate the close connection between cultivation of the land and the joy by meals filled with quality commodities, health, flavors and presence. The Seasons' Packing is a great succes. They started in 1996 with 100 members, who fetched the food packages themselves. Now they are distributing to the whole country, delivering the package to the customer's door.

Rosenvold castle is a manor on the northern side of Vejle fjord, only with a 10 km distance to Barritskov. In the early Middle Ages it was a borg (= medieval castle) . It was demolished in the late 1300s on the
order of queen Margrethe I. The present building is from 1585, built by Karen Gyldenstierne, a widow after Holger Rosenkrantz. So you see, here you've got the names Gyldenstierne and Rosenkrantz, which Shakespeare used in his "Hamlet"! Rosenvold is actually a manor, but it is called a castle because it had a close royal connection to king Christian IV. Rosenvold is listed in class A. It has its own camping and a small marina.
Herregårdslandskab/Manor Landscape
When you look across a typical Danish landscape you see farms and houses spread near and far, surrounded by small fields, here and there a village with a church tower sticking up, it's a landscape with small lines, but there are landscapes of another type around the manors, where you can look across unbroken fields, where you drive through long avenues of old trees, and where you meet old buildings of cultural importance. These landscapes are in Denmark often being preserved by listing or via local politics, where new buildings and change of terrain are prevented. A landscape like this is called a
herregårdslandskab. The English translation must be a
manor landscape.

I like the Danish manor landscapes with those large lines, where the eye can see far and wide. I don't think my photos will show you what the eye can see. Some English movies can. The director Ang Lee shows it in landscapes in "Sense and Sensibility", and there is also a beautiful scenery in the TV-series "Pride and Prejudice", the version with Colin Firth from 1995 is the best. I'm always looking out for a sunhazed wide landscape, it is a rare thing to meet, and my photos do no give justice to them.

Downside Rosenvold castle and the forest is a small marina. It lies desolate at this time of the year, and the boats are all up on land. From the marina and the jetties is a fine view across Vejle fjord and over to the coastal beech wood at Fakkegrav and Staksrode.
Church Dikes.
Along and upon church dikes is often a special flora with relict plants or feral plants. At a church dike in the village of Hornum was a strange plant I have never seen before. It's called Kermesbær, in English Poke Weed. Generic name Phytolacca, it's native to North America, South America, East Asia and New Zealand. The generic name derives from the Greek word phytos, meaning plant and the Latin word lacca, meaning red dye. The plant is poisonous to mammals, but not to birds. In some places people cook the young leaves of the plant which should remove the dangerous toxins.
From Wikipedia: Since pioneer times, pokeweed has been used as a folk remedy to treat many ailments. (...) Independent researchers are investigating phytolacca's use in treating AIDS and cancer patients. Especially to those who have not been properly trained in its use, pokeweed should be considered dangerous and possibly deadly. (...) Pokeweed berries yield a red ink or dye, which was once used by aboriginal Americans to decorate their horses. Many letters written home during the American Civil War were written in pokeberry ink; the writing in these surviving letters appears brown. The red juice has also been used to symbolize blood, as in the anti-slavery protest of Benjamin Lay. A rich brown dye can be made by soaking fabrics in fermenting berries in a hollowed-out pumpkin.
My question:Wikipedia says:
aboriginal Americans. Is that correct? I thought it should be
native Americans. 
By the church dike came an affectionate cat up to us. The little black cat with the fine silken fur followed us around until we went out from the church yard again.
Is there someone inside the church ? | | | |
Other places by Vejle fjord and the Horsens district: |
driving along winding roads |
passing smiling landscapes |
The farmer is out working today |
lovely view from the hill - the day had a certain sunhaze |
Sweet Jersey cows give fine cream |
view from a church yard across a harvested corn field |
and old chestnut tree by the church dike |
a black horse in a sunhazed landscape |
At Bygholm Aa |
villa with a small arbour (to the left) |
two lovely bull calves |
a village with an old church |
overgrown grave hill |
tax with berries on the church yard |
A nice country house |
colourful stone at the beach |
this must really be an old model! |
At Bygholm Aa river |
Bygholm Aa river |
At Bygholm Aa river |
landscape |
pretty cattle |
sunhazed landscape |
where's the handyman? |
lots and lots of lovely apples this year! | | | | photo Vejle fjord and Horsens district October 2011: grethe bachmann |
A lovely visit near to Hanne's family's area of Denmark. Thank you Thyra!
Hello Michael and Hanne! Maybe I've got pictures from Hannes special area? I could make a post with pictures for you if I have.
Grethe ´)
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