Thursday, December 31, 2015
I prefer the open Landscape and the nearness of the Sea.....
ULF LUNDELL: Öppna Landskap
Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap,nära havet vill jag bo,
några månader om året, så att själen kan få ro.
Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap, där vindarna får fart.
Där lärkorna slår högt i skyn, och sjunger underbart.
Där bränner jag mitt brännvin själv, och kryddar med Johannesört,
och dricker det med välbehag, till sill och hembakt vört.
Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap, nära havet vill jag bo.
Jag trivs bäst i fred och frihet, för både kropp och själ,
ingen kommer in i min närhet, som stänger in och stjäl.
Jag trivs bäst när dagen bräcker, d'r fälten fylls av ljus,
när tuppar gal på avstånd, när det är långt till närmsta hus.
Men ändå så pass nära, att en tyst och stilla natt,
när man sitter under stjärnorna, kan höra festens skratt.
Jag trivs bäst i fred och frihet, för både kropp och själ.
Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri,
när stranden fylls med snäckskal, med havsmusik uti.
När det klara och det enkla, får råda som det vill,
när ja, är ja, och nej, är nej,och tvivlet tiger still.
Då binder jag en krans av löv, och lägger den runt närmaste sten,
där runor ristats för vår skull, nån gång för länge sen.
Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri
the text is Swedish if you'd like to translate it.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my followers and readers.
- and a peaceful New Year all over the world
Best wishes
Friday, December 18, 2015
Mariager By, Mariagerfjord Kommune, Region Nordjylland

Mariager was a small village until the middle of the 1400, when a Bridgettine abbey was built. This
made the village grow into a market town with trade and handicrafts. There was later no effect on the town from the industrialization which means that it still has a medieval touch with

Mariager lies close to the beautiful Mariager fjord by the forested coast of the fjord. High slopes with forest rise behind the houses. Except for the abbey and its high tower all the houses are low. It was the Bridgettines who gave the town its name when they chose to place their Jutland abbey here and named it Mariager abbey. Mariager means Maria's ager = Maria's field (after Virgin Mary).

The decline for Mariager meant that when it finally got municipal rights in 1592 it had under 500 inhabitants. After this it was the raw materials together with fishing, farming and foresting, which made the basis for the income of the town. An important income was malt and spirits which were shipped to Copenhagen.
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Town Hall |
Mariager got a pharmacy in 1816, and the town house was built in 1822 In 1829 a physician came to town and two years later a post office was established - in 1853 a savings bank and street lights in 1859. Mariager became service center for the hinterland and grew faster than in the abbey-period, but after the start of the Hadsund-bridge some of the trade moved to the town of Hadsund.
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Hotel Postgaarden |
The old city section has kept its original street net, which forms an architectonic whole with old pavements and timbered, thatched houses, almost each house has a garden, which also gives a medieval mark. The town hall at the town square is classistic, the Hotel Postgården is from the 1700s and was earlier a vicarage, but since the 1800s it has functioned as a guest house.
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City Museum |
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by tourist and Saltcenter |
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veteran railway site |
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by Mariager fjord |
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tourist boat Svanen |
Mariager has a long tradition for preserving the town and its houses, and it has a rich selection of special shops and grocery stores. Shipping and tourism also play a big role in the employments.
Tourism is today considered the central income of Mariager.. In 2013 Mariagerfjord Kommune with Mariager by was certificated as a Cittaslow city. Cittaslow is a movement for cities which want to set focus on a more simple lifestyle. In Denmark are two cities certifacted: Mariager in Jutland and Svendborg at the island of Funen.
Assens between Mariager and Hadsund was earlier the home of a big part of Denmarks cement industry. In the chalcerous soil in the chalk pits is one of the largest orchid presences in Denmark. The old smitty at Dania is a working museum and along the road by the fjord lie Assens Nyboder, the earlier houses of the workers from the factory.
Mariager klosterkirke was built in connection to the abbey in the 1400s. See my blog Church and Manor for article about Mariager abbey.
Source Danmarks Købstæder, Søren Olsen, 2000
photo: grethe bachmann
photo town hall: Google earth.
Friday, November 27, 2015
The Sun always shines above the Clouds..............
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Sunset, Gilleleje, Zealand |
We do not worship and sacrifice to the sun like the ancient people did. The sun's power over mankind was always great, especially in the countries to the North, where the sun at midwinter is like a far disc, pale, golden and cold as the moon - and in some places like in The Land of the Midnight Sun it disappears for a period. No wonder the ancient people tried to recreate the sun above the southern horizon, the warmth had to come back to bring life over nature after a dark winter - and when the sun appeared again, its return was celebrated with cheers throughout the settlements.
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Trundholm Sun Chariot |
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Petroglyphs with sun sign |
The horse was in Bronze Age a sacred animal, it was only used in religious celebrations, stallion fights and in the first sacred ploughing of the New Year. The chariot and the horse is an unambiguously witness that the sun was worshipped in early Bronze Age - or else the sun is in ancient times most often reproduced by a sign: a wheel cross, a circle, a spiral or a fully carved disc which is seen on some petroglyphs. It is known that in the near Orient and in North India the wheel was in ancient times a commonly used image of the sun. The circle or the ring is the simplest reproduction of the sun, and together with the spiral those signs decorated the disc of the Trundholm chariot.
Midsummer celebration, Sweden, 1969. |
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Sami family in spring celebration. |
When the Sames got lost in the mountains because of bad weather and fog, they placed as a sacrifice to the sun a holed wooden disc : a wheel. On Christmas morning they saluted the sun and drank its tribute and took omens about good or bad luck in the year to come from the sunshine upon a brass ring in water. After the homecoming they drank a tribute to the fertility gods and brought sacrifices to the sun, the bones of the sacrificed animals were placed in a circle upon a sacred table - or meat hung up in a circle-bend wicker twig. The sun would then recognize its sacrifice through the sun signs. At midsummer wreaths of leaves and grass were hung up in honour of the sun.
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Swedish Christmas cakes 16th century. |
A link between midwinter's solstice, old ancient sun-belief and the fertility of the next year, were up till present time kept in the Swedish Christmas bread,which was decorated with the signs of the sun, the wheel and the spiral. The Christmas bread was stored in winter - and in spring it was crumbled and given in small bites to both humans and animals in the farm on the first day of the spring-sowing in order to secure a good harvest.
Archaeological magazine SKALK nr. 4, 1961: P.V.Glob, "Solens Tegn".
photo Gilleleje: grethe bachmann
other photos: wikipedia.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
The Famous Cat Maru
We have known Maru for some years here on my blog, and he is now so famous that it is difficult to find a new video without music and lots of other references.
But here is an old video from 2012. Maru and boxes is always fun and a few minutes well spent.
He brings a smile to your face doesn-t he?
Have fun!
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
An unusual Sleigh Ride from Norway to Denmark -

A common sleigh was simple and could be used for both working use and for taking people on a sleigh drive - in manors and other posh places they had some very fine sleighs with painted decorations, some with carved decorations. A sleigh had usually one or two seats and a place for the driver on the back.

descriptions of such romantic sleigh drives in Scandinavian literature. The horse or horses had to be equipped with sleigh bells, little ringling things, which might be of silver. They were a necessary accessory, in order to tell other wayfarers that a big sleigh was coming near. A sleigh ran almost silently through the snow and was a dangerous vehicle to a pedestrian. A horse-drawn sleigh was used if people had to go to the city, to the church or on a visit - it was seldom used for long trips.
An unusual story is known about a sleigh drive from Norway to Denmark.
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Venus passage |
The date 3 June 1769 was by astronomers all over the world foreseen in excitement. A rare vision on the sky was expected, a Venus-passage, a phenomenon, which is like an eclipse of the sun - only that Venus cannot cover the whole sun but only a small part of it. Some important knowledge was in waiting and several European states took the initiative to do something about it In Denmark the young king Christian 7 invited his ambassador the Austrian-Hungarian Maximilian Hell to do some observations on Vardø at the Barents Sea in the northern part of Norway. Denmark and Norway had a Unity of the Realm at that time.
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Maximilian Hell |
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Vardø, island north east of Norway |
Vard = varg = ulv
It might seem odd they wanted to go to Vardø - almost as far north as possible - but the calculations showed that the Venus-passage would happen at a time where the rest of Europe lay in darkness, except the northernest Norway, where the sun was low but up both day and night. The travel north was difficult, first across the Norse mountain roads to the city Trondheim and then by sea in stormy weather. It was now close to autumn in 1768 and the expedition was trapped in a small town by the coast, Kjelvik, the northernest parish in the world. Maximilian Hell met the parish priest Jens Eriksen Grøn and they became good friends
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aurora borealis |
And then came the 3 June 1769, there was a great excitement up to the date, bad weather could ruin everything but the time arrived and they were lucky. When Venus had done its passage and Maximilian Hell and his helpers had done theirs, a Te deum was sung and the canons of the fortress Vardøhus were saluting and the flag went up. Major Eckleff and several honoratiores were invited to see the star and they were celebrating with drinks.
The Austrian-Hungarian espedition - as it was - started the home trip except for a two weeks visit by reverent Jens Grøn from Kjelvik, who told that he was not happy for his work as far north - and Hell promised him to talk to Christian 7, who listened to Hell's words. In the same year Jens Grøn became parish priest in the town Rudkøbing at the island Langeland.
Jens Grøn could not wait, he wanted to leave

The old sleigh was taken good care of because of this unusual travel from Norway to Denmark.. It is now at exhibition at Langelands Museum in Rudkøbing
Source: Archaeological magazine Skalk, nr. 1, 2004, Kanetur, Ole Mortensen
photo winter: grethe bachmann
other photos: wikipedia
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Capricious Weather!
Friday, November 13, 2015
Fussingø Forest, a mild November Day and a Norwegian Forest Cat.....
The last Days of Autumn. ....
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Fussingø, the day before the leaves were all blown away by the storm. |
Will we get a record-hot November again in 2015? The temperature yesterday was 16 degrees Celsius and some sleeping butterflies woke up and fluttered around..
Some people still wear short jeans - and on the jogging trip in the evening even summer shorts!
The air is warm both day and night.
The average temperature for a November day is 7 degrees Celsius.
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Yellow/Green Beauty |
When a sighing begins
In the violins
Of the autumn-song,
My heart is drowned
In the slow sound
Languorous and long
Pale as with pain,
Breath fails me when
The hours toll deep.
My thoughts recover
The days that are over,
And I weep.
And I go
Where the winds know,
Broken and brief,
To and fro,
As the winds blow
A dead leaf.
“Chanson d’Automne” by Paul Verlaine, from Poèmes saturniens (1866). Translated by Arthur Symons in Poems (First Collected Edition, 1902)
Some of the forest at Fussingø were laid out as untouched forest since 1992. The section is no longer used for timber or fuel. The trees live as long as they can. The dead trees are important habitats for mammals, birds, insects and other little animals. The forest will gradually turn into a kind of jungle with fallen and dead trees and a variation of trees growing up.
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Cyclists in the forest |
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Lady with dog |
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old oaks by the road. |
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The path down to the forest. |
The Fussingø district was inhabited since Stone Age. The first safe
proof of human settlements is from the bondestenalder which begins
4200 BC. From this period are found many flint axes.
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the buzzard high up in the blue. |
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Fussingø slot in the background. |
See Link:
Fussingø slot is today used for alternate exhibitions of art and arts and crafts. In other buildings are Nature School and Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. Fussingø is owned by the Danish State.
The German family Skeel von Plessen owned the estate until the end of WWII, where the estate was confiscated by the Danish State as some kind of war compensation.
Fussingø slot is only open during the year in connection to various arrangements etc. The park is
open to the public all year.
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Fussingø skov |

The coppice forest (Stævningsskoven) is the earliest known form of forestry in Denmark It can be traced back to Stone Age in Denmark and further back in other parts of Europe.
The coppice forest began in connection to the peasants' need for fence, fuel, grazing for the livestock, poles, posts etc. The landlords had the right to use the upper section of the forest, while the peasants had to settle for what they could find in the low forest. The coppice forest was a smart solution for the peasants, since this type of forest developed an upper forest, if it was coppiced regularly - and in this way they could keep on their right to use the forest.
When new materials arrived in the 1800s like stone, bricks, stone dikes, earth banks and fences like wire and fossil fuel, the importance of the coppice forest disappeared and the coppice forests were mainly allowed to stay as they were.
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an old fragile bridge |
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the old boat is still there |
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Well, here comes the ruler of the water mill! |
Dear Cat, I see from the facts below that you are adapted to a very cold climate. Don't you feel it is too hot here? Maybe you should have a little hair cut? Oh no, that would be a shame. You are so beautiful, and you know it. Maybe you have adapted to the mild climate too. I hope you have, but you have really got a big beautiful and hot fur coat! Do you like ice cream?
Last time I met this cat it was so aristocratic that it was not interested in talking to me. Let's see how the pretty cat behaves today.....
Facts: The Norwegian forest cat is a breed of domestic cat native to Northern
Europe. This natural breed is adapted to a very cold climate with top
coat of glossy long water-shedding hairs, and a wooly undercoat for
insulation. It is a big, strong cat, similar to the American Maine Coon
breed, with long legs, a bushy tail and a sturdy body. The breed is
very good at climbing, since they have strong claws.
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Hello, are you social or aristocratic today, dear cat? |
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What a cuddly cat! |
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Wauw, you've actually got autumn colours. So beautiful. |
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Bye, bye....I'll go find my good landlady. She's got some food for me. and maybe some ice cream ! |
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Emeraldgreen ferns |
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See you next year at Fussingø............ |
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The Mill Pond |
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Long-tailed tit - the afternoon light was fading!! |
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Nature's beautiful decay. |
Text and photo November 2015: grethe bachmann :
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