Thursday, December 31, 2015
I prefer the open Landscape and the nearness of the Sea.....
ULF LUNDELL: Öppna Landskap
Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap,nära havet vill jag bo,
några månader om året, så att själen kan få ro.
Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap, där vindarna får fart.
Där lärkorna slår högt i skyn, och sjunger underbart.
Där bränner jag mitt brännvin själv, och kryddar med Johannesört,
och dricker det med välbehag, till sill och hembakt vört.
Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap, nära havet vill jag bo.
Jag trivs bäst i fred och frihet, för både kropp och själ,
ingen kommer in i min närhet, som stänger in och stjäl.
Jag trivs bäst när dagen bräcker, d'r fälten fylls av ljus,
när tuppar gal på avstånd, när det är långt till närmsta hus.
Men ändå så pass nära, att en tyst och stilla natt,
när man sitter under stjärnorna, kan höra festens skratt.
Jag trivs bäst i fred och frihet, för både kropp och själ.
Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri,
när stranden fylls med snäckskal, med havsmusik uti.
När det klara och det enkla, får råda som det vill,
när ja, är ja, och nej, är nej,och tvivlet tiger still.
Då binder jag en krans av löv, och lägger den runt närmaste sten,
där runor ristats för vår skull, nån gång för länge sen.
Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri
the text is Swedish if you'd like to translate it.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my followers and readers.
- and a peaceful New Year all over the world
Best wishes
Friday, December 18, 2015
Mariager By, Mariagerfjord Kommune, Region Nordjylland

Mariager was a small village until the middle of the 1400, when a Bridgettine abbey was built. This
made the village grow into a market town with trade and handicrafts. There was later no effect on the town from the industrialization which means that it still has a medieval touch with

Mariager lies close to the beautiful Mariager fjord by the forested coast of the fjord. High slopes with forest rise behind the houses. Except for the abbey and its high tower all the houses are low. It was the Bridgettines who gave the town its name when they chose to place their Jutland abbey here and named it Mariager abbey. Mariager means Maria's ager = Maria's field (after Virgin Mary).

The decline for Mariager meant that when it finally got municipal rights in 1592 it had under 500 inhabitants. After this it was the raw materials together with fishing, farming and foresting, which made the basis for the income of the town. An important income was malt and spirits which were shipped to Copenhagen.
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Town Hall |
Mariager got a pharmacy in 1816, and the town house was built in 1822 In 1829 a physician came to town and two years later a post office was established - in 1853 a savings bank and street lights in 1859. Mariager became service center for the hinterland and grew faster than in the abbey-period, but after the start of the Hadsund-bridge some of the trade moved to the town of Hadsund.
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Hotel Postgaarden |
The old city section has kept its original street net, which forms an architectonic whole with old pavements and timbered, thatched houses, almost each house has a garden, which also gives a medieval mark. The town hall at the town square is classistic, the Hotel Postgården is from the 1700s and was earlier a vicarage, but since the 1800s it has functioned as a guest house.
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City Museum |
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by tourist and Saltcenter |
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veteran railway site |
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by Mariager fjord |
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tourist boat Svanen |
Mariager has a long tradition for preserving the town and its houses, and it has a rich selection of special shops and grocery stores. Shipping and tourism also play a big role in the employments.
Tourism is today considered the central income of Mariager.. In 2013 Mariagerfjord Kommune with Mariager by was certificated as a Cittaslow city. Cittaslow is a movement for cities which want to set focus on a more simple lifestyle. In Denmark are two cities certifacted: Mariager in Jutland and Svendborg at the island of Funen.
Assens between Mariager and Hadsund was earlier the home of a big part of Denmarks cement industry. In the chalcerous soil in the chalk pits is one of the largest orchid presences in Denmark. The old smitty at Dania is a working museum and along the road by the fjord lie Assens Nyboder, the earlier houses of the workers from the factory.
Mariager klosterkirke was built in connection to the abbey in the 1400s. See my blog Church and Manor for article about Mariager abbey.
Source Danmarks Købstæder, Søren Olsen, 2000
photo: grethe bachmann
photo town hall: Google earth.
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