A lovely nature area along the northern coast of Horsens fjord was preserved since the 1970s. Here is a varied landscape with a rich flora and fauna . The meadows, the heath and the pastures have all a high landscape-value, they create a comprehensive variation, and they are the home of a richness of plants and animals, who prefer the uncultivated open land. Earlier were the areas grazed, and it is necessary still to nourish them to keep the nature areas open.
The hilly area in Uldrup and Sondrup is one of the prettiest hillsides in Jutland. The coast along the fjord is low-watered , especially outside the island Vorsø. The flat meadows are raised sea bed from the Stone Age Sea. By the coast of Uldrup hills and Sondrup beach are high cliffs close to the coast.
The flora is varied, about 450 species were recently registered, which is 1/4 of all species in Denmark. In the forests are beech, oak, ash, conifer, and in the Brigsted area large orchards. Along the ditches by the manor Åkær are in springtime broad belts of red butterbur with their large rhubarb-like leaves. This dock is called
Pestilensurt and was used to cure wounds in the Middle Ages. In the beach meadows along the coasts is a pink sheen from thousands of sea pink, and in high summer along the fields and roads is the yellow bedstraw, the white yarrow and the fine butter-yellow toadflax. On the hills at Uldrup is the pretty purple pasqueflower. near old houses are soap-wort and hops. The hop often climbs the trees. It was earlier used for brewing beer.
The bird life is rich; lapwing, redshank and yellow wagtail are breeding here, the kestrel is hovering above the beach meadow, where avocet and common snipe breed. In the alder-thicket along the water streams is the nightingale and the song thrush. On the preserved island Vorsø is a large colony of cormorants, and this special black bird is often seen by the fjord. In the hills are green woodpecker, Honey buzzard, common buzzard and oriole. In the migration period arrive the eider, the greylag goose and the brentgoose to the coasts of Horsens fjord.
In the hills near Søvind are old marl pits, they are now ponds and the habitat of rare amphibians.

The Highlanders, curious or astonished? Probably the last, seeing this strange person climbing the slope to point at them with some black thing and saying something. "Hello, how are you?"
But where are the geese? They were here last year.........

- oh, they are now grazing a large field by a small pond. The gander looks like the same gander from last year, so his life did not end last November, but it's soon Morten's evening....

The sheep kept the geese company without difficulties, it seemed. They were almost dressed in autumn colours, their wool looks fine, maybe useful for the costy knitting yarn.

The narrow country road continued. There were no possibilities of getting into the beautiful forest in the hills today, it was closed for the public; it's a hunting day all over the country. The hunters are all over the forest. I'm a hunter with camera, but this doesn't count, and I won't go into the wood and get shot by some other sort of hunter.............

And then this big venerable oak stood there on a hill by the road drawing attention.

A break at a beautiful place near Søvind. There were some ponies, one of them had a sweet fole. They were very sleepy, both mother and kid. Did not worry about intruders. The place was charming with little soft rises in the terrain, and with a row of pollarded willow trees. There was a sun haze in the background - we're on the edge of October and on our way into November - and we'll now change the clock to winter time.

Peacefully walking the road, unaware that someone is printing them on nature's canvas.

And now we're at the Brigsted area, close to the meadows by the coast, and here is some butterfat cattle grazing the salty grass - they look so healthy.

There was a bull and he looked a little cross. He'll have to take care of the whole field of course.

But he decided there was no danger....

- and continued the grazing with all his wives. What a sheik!
I don't know what kind of cattle this is. I guess it's some valuable meat cattle.
I'll try to google.

There are many fruit orchards in this nature reserve. Here's apples. lots of apples.

The hunters were also here at Brigsted. Maybe going for ducks or pheasants. Hurry away birds! Hurry!

The stone heaps mark the wading path to the island Vorsø. To the right traces of a car on the driving route.
The preserved island Vorsø is about 62 ha. It has an edge of low beach meadows and a low-watered coast. The island belongs to the Miljøministeriet. The preservation-history and the island's status as a living biological laboratory makes it interesting beyond the borders of the country.
There is a large cormorant-colony at the island. The cormorant was totally listed in Denmark since 1979. Flora and fauna live without human interference. There are rare plants and animals. The development is followed and registered by nature supervisor Jens Gregersen, who lives with his family on the island as the only inhabitants. In the middle of the island is a field station and a habitation.
Jens Gregersen is a fine artist (bird and nature)with several exhibitions and books about birds.

There's much water in the beach meadows.

One strandasters (Aster trifolium) was still blooming.

It's always exciting to see what's on the beach . The Stone Age people have probably eaten lots of mussels. There are many kitchen middens along the coast with rests of their food habits.

The sun stands low at this time of the year, giving a golden light, which is so magnificent. This day has been so beautiful that I shall not complain and quarrel about my longing for spring! Not today!

And then I saw them, the poplars. This is Monet! He would have loved them!
Poplars, Epte near Giverny
Claude Monet
Have a nice day, have a nice Halloween!
photo 30 October 2010: grethe bachmann